November 30, 2021

Seriously … What About the Chief Military Judge?

Seriously … what about the Chief Military Judge? The last Chief Military Judge, Colonel Mario Dutil, retired 20 March 2020. As of today, 30 November 2021, […]
November 26, 2021

Admiral McDonald and Procedural Fairness in the Canadian Forces

Admiral McDonald and Procedural Fairness in the Canadian Forces   [Editorial Comment: Regular readers of this Blog will be aware that the content of this Blog […]
November 19, 2021
Criminal Law Case

The MND’s New Policy and the Rule of Law

The MND’s New Policy and the Rule of Law   Has the new Minister of National Defence (MND) issued policy direction in a manner consistent with […]
November 16, 2021

Stand By for Apologies – But, let’s talk about transparency…

Stand By for Apologies – But, let’s talk about transparency…   Murray Brewster and the CBC reported today that the new Minister of National Defence and […]