June 19, 2020
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In the Administration of the Affairs of the Canadian Forces, What is an ‘Internal’ Process?

What is an ‘internal’ process? When we examine the administration of the affairs of the Canadian Forces (CF), what is meant when someone characterizes something as […]
June 5, 2020
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What does it mean to ‘sign’ a grievance?

What does it mean to ‘sign’ a grievance? I recently encountered an odd circumstance relating to the issue of what constitutes a ‘signature’ for the purpose […]
May 27, 2020
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Disingenuous Offers of ‘Informal Resolution’

Disingenuous Offers of ‘Informal Resolution’ Lately I have noticed a disturbing trend in the use of purported ‘Offers of Informal Resolution’ of CF grievances, which are, […]
April 3, 2020
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Whistle-blowing – and Non-Whistle-blowing – During a Crisis

Whistle-blowing – and Non-Whistle-blowing – During a Crisis US Navy Captain Brett Crozier was apparently relieved of command of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt after […]