May 7, 2020

How difficult is it to appoint a Chief Military Judge?

How difficult is it to appoint a Chief Military Judge? Evidently, more difficult than prohibiting over 1,500 firearms. And at least one Airsoft rifle. On 20 […]
April 23, 2020
Criminal Law Case

Charging the Wrong Person – A ‘Rookie’ Mistake

  Charging the Wrong Person – A ‘Rookie’ Mistake Those of you who follow this blog will know that I have reservations concerning the quality, timeliness, […]
April 17, 2020

Gender Identity in CF Personnel Appraisal

Gender Identity in CF Personnel Appraisal Recently, a colleague of mine brought to my attention an e-mail circulated by Conservative Party Leadership candidate Leslyn Lewis.  Ms […]
April 9, 2020
Criminal Law Case

The Next Chief Military Judge

The Next Chief Military Judge Presently, the Canadian Forces does not have a Chief Military Judge.  Lieutenant-Colonel Louis Vincent d’Auteuil, the Deputy Chief Military Judge (DCMJ), […]