May 27, 2020
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Disingenuous Offers of ‘Informal Resolution’

Disingenuous Offers of ‘Informal Resolution’ Lately I have noticed a disturbing trend in the use of purported ‘Offers of Informal Resolution’ of CF grievances, which are, […]
April 3, 2020
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Whistle-blowing – and Non-Whistle-blowing – During a Crisis

Whistle-blowing – and Non-Whistle-blowing – During a Crisis US Navy Captain Brett Crozier was apparently relieved of command of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt after […]
February 24, 2020

Examining Vavilov’s Impact on Military Administration – Hypothetical Scenario

Examining Vavilov’s Impact on Military Administration – Hypothetical Scenario As promised in a previous Blog article, I present below a hypothetical scenario which we can use […]
December 18, 2019

Impact of the ‘Administrative Law Trilogy’ on Military Law

Impact of the ‘Administrative Law Trilogy’ on Military Law Tomorrow, 20 December 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada will hand down its judgment in the ‘Administrative […]