November 16, 2021

Stand By for Apologies – But, let’s talk about transparency…

Stand By for Apologies – But, let’s talk about transparency…   Murray Brewster and the CBC reported today that the new Minister of National Defence and […]
November 5, 2021
Criminal Law Case

Minister of National Defence Announcement – Sexual Misconduct

Minister of National Defence Announcement – Sexual Misconduct   So, the big news in ‘Military Justice’ yesterday was that the new Minister of National Defence, Anita […]
October 17, 2021
Criminal Law Case

The Military Justice System – Use it or Lose it

The Military Justice System – Use it or Lose it   The recent spate of reporting regarding allegations against various General Officers and Flag Officers (GOFO) […]
October 9, 2021
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Inaccurate Reporting Regarding Voluntary Release

Inaccurate Reporting Regarding Voluntary Release   Sloppy news reporting does not sit well with me. On 8 October 2021, Ashley Burke of the CBC News published […]