May 23, 2021
Criminal Law Case

Why is the ‘Fortin File’ Being Transferred to a Civil Prosecutor?

Why is the ‘Fortin File’ Being Transferred to a Civil Prosecutor?   There has been a flurry of commentary over the past week or so regarding […]
May 16, 2021
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Facts Before Outrage

Facts Before Outrage   Can I ask everyone to put down their torches and pitchforks for a moment, and offer a few reasonable observations and ask […]
April 9, 2021

(It’s) the Impunity, Stupid

(It’s) the Impunity, Stupid   I’ll be blunt: the problem with sexual misconduct in the Canadian Forces (CF) is not the sexual nature of the misconduct. […]
March 21, 2021
Criminal Law Case

One Year without a Chief Military Judge

One Year without a Chief Military Judge   20 March 2021 marks the one-year anniversary of the retirement of last Chief Military Judge of the Canadian […]