December 17, 2021

The Canadian Forces’ COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

The Canadian Forces’ COVID-19 Vaccination Policy   Before we delve into today’s topic: Vaccination for COVID-19 is a sensitive, politically charged, and highly emotive subject.  Therefore, […]
December 1, 2021

Fairness is its Own Virtue

Fairness is its Own Virtue   I was struck by the similarity and the divergence of two recent articles by David Pugliese.  And the dissonance in […]
November 30, 2021

Seriously … What About the Chief Military Judge?

Seriously … what about the Chief Military Judge? The last Chief Military Judge, Colonel Mario Dutil, retired 20 March 2020. As of today, 30 November 2021, […]
November 26, 2021

Admiral McDonald and Procedural Fairness in the Canadian Forces

Admiral McDonald and Procedural Fairness in the Canadian Forces   [Editorial Comment: Regular readers of this Blog will be aware that the content of this Blog […]