September 25, 2019

The Sexual Misconduct Decision Tree & Closed-Minded Decision-Making

The Sexual Misconduct Decision Tree & Closed-Minded Decision-Making This past summer, the Canadian Forces (CF) issued the Operation HONOUR Manual (Interim Edition) – A Comprehensive Guide […]
August 23, 2019

When you cite ‘Fiat Justitia …’ in defence of ‘military justice’, don’t forget the counter-point of ‘… ruat coelum’

When you cite ‘Fiat Justitia …’ in defence of ‘military justice’, don’t forget the counter-point of ‘… ruat coelum’ On 21 August 2019, Ken Watkin, a […]
August 19, 2019

Disclosure of Personal Information Under Op HONOUR

Disclosure of Personal Information Under Op HONOUR It appears that the leadership of the Canadian Forces (CF) – and presumably the civilian and military legal advisors […]
August 16, 2019

R v Stillman, 2019 SCC 40 – Further ‘After-Action Review’

R v Stillman, 2019 SCC 40 – Further ‘After-Action Review’ Fear not Dear Reader, I don’t intend to belabour observations regarding the Stillman appeal before the […]