March 15, 2024

Incompetence & Intransigence in Grievance Adjudication – Part I

Incompetence & Intransigence in Grievance Adjudication – Part I 15 March 2024   Today is a birthday … of sorts.[1] Today marks the 18th anniversary – […]
March 10, 2024

Section 129 of the NDA is not the problem …

Section 129 of the NDA is not the problem … 10 March 2024   [Editorial Note: I wish to thank my friend and colleague, Lieutenant-Commander Pascal […]
February 15, 2024

MPCC Criticism of the Military Police

MPCC Criticism of the Military Police 15 February 2024   On Friday, 9 February 2024, the National Post published an article entitled “Watchdog slams new military […]
January 29, 2024

R v Vu – Redux

R v Vu – Redux 29 January 2024   Almost 3 weeks ago, I published a (long overdue) Blog post on the judgment from the Court […]