March 24, 2020

Why are Conditional Discharges not available to Courts Martial in Canada?

Why are Conditional Discharges not available to Courts Martial in Canada? (* This Blog article was cross-posted to the “Global Military Justice Reform” Blog, managed by […]
March 14, 2020

A Proper Exercise of Statutory Power

A Proper Exercise of Statutory Power Yesterday, 13 March 2020, Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) announced that it would suspend classes and would take the […]
March 4, 2020

‘Bad Facts’ and Awkward Law: The Director of Military Prosecutions v Deputy Chief Military Judge, et al., 2020 FC 330

‘Bad Facts’ and Awkward Law: The Director of Military Prosecutions v Deputy Chief Military Judge, et al., 2020 FC 330  On 3 March 2020, Justice Martineau […]
February 24, 2020

Examining Vavilov’s Impact on Military Administration – Hypothetical Scenario

Examining Vavilov’s Impact on Military Administration – Hypothetical Scenario As promised in a previous Blog article, I present below a hypothetical scenario which we can use […]