April 27, 2022

Duties of Officers and NCMs – Part II: “Promote the Welfare, efficiency, and good discipline of all subordinates”

Duties of Officers and NCMs – Part II “Promote the Welfare, efficiency, and good discipline of all subordinates”   [Author’s Note: My initial intent was to […]
March 21, 2022

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary! Happy Anniversary to Lieutenant-Colonel L-V d’Auteuil in his role as Acting Chief Military Judge. That may seem like an odd anniversary to recognize.  Certainly, […]
February 7, 2022

A bit of Code of Service Discipline Data …

A bit of Code of Service Discipline Data …   … what it can tell us, and what it cannot.   My apologies Dear Reader, for […]
December 31, 2021

Canadian Military Justice – 2021 Retrospective

Canadian Military Justice – 2021 Retrospective   [Editor’s Note: Prompted by a brief discussion with an American colleague, I offer a brief retrospective of Canadian military […]