October 30, 2021

I left the CF because I cannot abide bullies …

I left the CF because I cannot abide bullies. Last Monday (25 October 2021), Murray Brewster, of the CBC, reported on statements made by the Acting […]
October 21, 2021
Criminal Law Case

So … About the Chief Military Judge

So … About the Chief Military Judge   For those of you who have not been keeping track, yesterday, 20 October 2021, marks 19 months since […]
October 17, 2021
Criminal Law Case

The Military Justice System – Use it or Lose it

The Military Justice System – Use it or Lose it   The recent spate of reporting regarding allegations against various General Officers and Flag Officers (GOFO) […]
September 17, 2021

What is the real source of outrage about General Vance (retired)?

What is the real source of outrage about General Vance (retired)?   Counsel for General Jonathan Vance (retired) appeared today before the Ontario Court of Justice […]