March 16, 2024

Intransigence in Grievance Adjudication – Part II

Intransigence in Grievance Adjudication – Part II 16 March 2024   In Part I of this 2-part Blog post, I described the circumstances behind what I […]
March 15, 2024

Incompetence & Intransigence in Grievance Adjudication – Part I

Incompetence & Intransigence in Grievance Adjudication – Part I 15 March 2024   Today is a birthday … of sorts.[1] Today marks the 18th anniversary – […]
August 9, 2023

MGERC Findings & Recommendations: Myths & Misconceptions

MGERC Findings & Recommendations: Myths & Misconceptions   Many of you may be aware of the recent Findings and Recommendations (F&R) offered by Nina Frid, a Full-Time […]
February 14, 2022

Duties of Officers and NCMs – Part I

Duties of Officers and NCMs – Part I   I suspect that the Canadian military and veteran community is focused, at least in part, on the […]