March 10, 2024

Section 129 of the NDA is not the problem …

Section 129 of the NDA is not the problem … 10 March 2024   [Editorial Note: I wish to thank my friend and colleague, Lieutenant-Commander Pascal […]
January 29, 2024

R v Vu – Redux

R v Vu – Redux 29 January 2024   Almost 3 weeks ago, I published a (long overdue) Blog post on the judgment from the Court […]
January 9, 2024
Criminal Law Case

Judgments from the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada – R v Vu

Judgments from the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada – R v Vu 9 January 2024   In the previous Blog post, we “read between the […]
October 15, 2023

Delay and the Prosecution of LGen Cadieu (ret’d)

Delay and the Prosecution of LGen Cadieu (ret’d)   There has been a fair bit of discussion concerning the recent stay of prosecution of criminal allegations […]