September 6, 2023

Eliminating Defence Counsel Services would be a bad idea …

Eliminating Defence Counsel Services would be a bad idea …   A little bird told me that there have been discussions within the Canadian Forces (CF) […]
May 30, 2023

MGen Dany Fortin & the MPCC

MGen Dany Fortin & the MPCC   The Chairperson of the Military Police Complaints Commission (MPCC) has indicated that the MPCC will conduct a Public Interest […]
March 20, 2023
Criminal Law Case

Three Years and Counting Without a Chief Military Judge …

Three Years and Counting Without a Chief Military Judge … This is a friendly reminder that, as of today, 20 March 2023, the Canadian Forces have […]
January 2, 2023

The Year that Was & the Year that Will Be

The Year that Was & the Year that Will Be   Happy New Year. The end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 offers an opportunity […]