September 14, 2021

R v MacPherson, 2021 CM 2014 – What were they thinking?

R v MacPherson, 2021 CM 2014 – What were they thinking?   On 8 September 2021, a court martial judgment was published that addressed the retrospective […]
June 18, 2021
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I have a theory about what is important to the news media …

I have a theory …   … about what the national news media thinks is, and is not, important. And, frankly, I think a lot of […]
May 23, 2021
Criminal Law Case

Why is the ‘Fortin File’ Being Transferred to a Civil Prosecutor?

Why is the ‘Fortin File’ Being Transferred to a Civil Prosecutor?   There has been a flurry of commentary over the past week or so regarding […]
May 16, 2021
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Facts Before Outrage

Facts Before Outrage   Can I ask everyone to put down their torches and pitchforks for a moment, and offer a few reasonable observations and ask […]