December 17, 2023

Prosecution (or not) of public dissent and criticism in the Canadian Forces

Prosecution (or not) of public dissent and criticism in the Canadian Forces 17 December 2023   Military justice should be administered fairly and transparently. Military justice […]
October 31, 2023

Remembrance Day and Public Prayer

Remembrance Day and Public Prayer 31 October 2023 [Author’s Note: I had intended on presenting a recap of the outcomes in various matters arising amidst the […]
October 1, 2023

Why is Lieutenant-General Whelan being court martialed?

Why is Lieutenant-General Whelan being court martialed?   There are a lot of questions arising from Lieutenant-General (LGen) Steve Whelan’s Standing Court Martial (SCM), and very […]
August 9, 2023

MGERC Findings & Recommendations: Myths & Misconceptions

MGERC Findings & Recommendations: Myths & Misconceptions   Many of you may be aware of the recent Findings and Recommendations (F&R) offered by Nina Frid, a Full-Time […]