October 1, 2023

Why is Lieutenant-General Whelan being court martialed?

Why is Lieutenant-General Whelan being court martialed?   There are a lot of questions arising from Lieutenant-General (LGen) Steve Whelan’s Standing Court Martial (SCM), and very […]
September 24, 2023

R v Harrison, 2023 ONCJ 392: Don’t Be Sold a Bill of Goods (Redux)

R v Harrison, 2023 ONCJ 392: Don’t Be Sold a Bill of Goods (Redux)   Is the Director of Military Prosecutions (DMP) – and the military […]
September 17, 2023
Criminal Law Case

Political Interference was the cause of delay, not the military justice system

Political Interference was the cause of delay, not the military justice system   I fear that the Canadian public is being sold a bill of goods. […]
September 6, 2023

Eliminating Defence Counsel Services would be a bad idea …

Eliminating Defence Counsel Services would be a bad idea …   A little bird told me that there have been discussions within the Canadian Forces (CF) […]